Wednesday 8 July 2015

1.      Poikilothermic (cold blooded) or exothermic animals are those in which                                                                   
         (a)  Body freezes                                                             (b)  Body temperature remains constant
         (c)   Body temp. changes according to surroundings           (d)  None of the above
2.      An open circulatory system occurs in                                                                                                                       
         (a)  Man                             (b)  Reptiles                           (c)   Animals                         (d)  Insects
3.      William Harvey is known for the discovery of                                                                                                         
         (a)  Blood transfusion          (b)  Blood clotting                   (c)   Blood circulation           (d)  Blood purification
4.      Which one of the following does not have an open circulatory system                                                                    
         (a)  Chelone                        (b)  Cockroach                       (c)   Frog's tadpole              (d)  (a) and (b) both
5.      In Pheretima lymph glands produces
         (a)  Phagocytic cells            (b)  Lymphocytic cells             (c)   Amoebocytic cells         (d)  Oxyntic cells
6.      How many lateral hearts are in pheretima                                                                                                              
         (a)  4                                  (b)  8                                     (c)   16                                (d)  12
7.      Four pairs of pulsatile heart in pheretima are located in seg                                                                                    
         (a)  7, 9, 12 and 13             (b)  11, 14, 17 and 18            (c)   10, 13, 16 and 17         (d)  4, 5, 10 and 13
8.      Open circulatory system is observed in                                                                                                                   
         (a)  Cockroach                    (b)  Frog                                (c)   Fish                               (d)  Reptiles
9.      Single circuit circulatory system is characteristic of                                                                                                   
         (a)  Fishes                           (b)  Amphibians                      (c)   Aves                             (d)  Mammals
10.  Double circuit circulation is seen in                                                                                                                          
         (a)  Humans and rabbit        (b)  Pigeon and rat                 (c)   Lizard and crocodile     (d)  All of the above
11.  Heart beat can be recorded and displayed as                                                                                                        
         (a)  ECG                             (b)  EEG                                 (c)   ERG                             (d)  EMG
12.  Innervation of heart in the intact animals is primarily meant for                                                                                
         (a)  Initiation of heart beat                                               (b)  Regulation of heart beat    
         (c)   Release of acetylcholine only                                     (d)  Release of adrenalin only
13.  Purkinje's fibres are special types of                                                                                                                       
         (a)  Muscle fibres located in heart                                     (b)  Nerve fibres located in cerebrum   
         (c)   Connective tissue fibres joining one bone to another bone (d)Sensory fibres extending from retina into optic nerve
14.  Identify the cardiac inhibitor                                                                                                                                   
         (a)  Y-aminobutyric acid      (b)  5' Hydroxytryptamine      (c)   Adrenaline                    (d)  Acetylcholine
15.  The first heart sound is                                                                                                                                           
         (a)  'Lubb' sound at the end of systole                               (b)  'Dub' sound at the end of systole    
         (c)   'Lubb' sound at the beginning of systole                      (d)  'Dub' sound at the beginning of systole
16.  Regulation of heart beat in mammals is due to
         (a)  Presence of excess of oxygen in blood                      (b)  The presence of pacemaker in the heart    
         (c)   The presence of thyroxin in blood                              (d)  The volume of blood in the circulatory system
17.  Pace maker of the heart is situated
         (a)  In wall of right atrium close to eustachian valve           (b)  On intra-auricular septum   
         (c)   On inter-venticular septum                                    (d) In wall of left atrium close to the opening of pulmonary veins
18.  Stimulation of the vagus nerve will make the heart beat                                                                                          
         (a)  Faster                           (b)  70 times / minute             (c)   Slower                          (d)  Normal
19.  During systole                                                                                                                                                        
         (a)  Auricles and ventricles contract simultaneously            (b)  Auricles and ventricles contract separately  
         (c)   Only auricles contract                                                (d)  Only ventricles contract
20.  What is the maximum efficiency of heart                                                                                                                
         (a)  10 – 15 %                    (b)  20 – 25 %                       (c)   40 – 60%                     (d)  100%
21.  Blood leaving and moving to heart has higher concentration of                                                                               
         (a)  Glucose                        (b)  Urea                                (c)   Bile                               (d)  Erythrocytes
22.  If the vagus branch of frog is stimulated, the heart will show                                                                                    
         (a)  Stoppage of heart beat      (b)                                   Decreased heart beat         (c)   Increased heart beat     (d)         No change
23.  Artificial pace maker is transplanted in                                                                                                                    
         (a)  Inter ventricular septum (b)  Below the collar bone      (c)   Inter auricular septum    (d)  Right auricle
24.  The rate of heart beat is controlled by                                                                                                                   
         (a)  CNS                             (b)  SN                                   (c)   CN                               (d)  Autonomic nervous system
25.  Which of the animal has only deoxygenated blood in its heart                                                                               
         (a)  Scoliodon                     (b)  Rabbit                             (c)   Pigeon                          (d)  Snake
26.  Blood returns from lungs to heart through                                                                                                               
         (a)  Right auricle                  (b)  Right ventricle                  (c)   Left ventricle                 (d)  Left auricle
27.  In the heart of mammal the bicuspid valve is situated between                                                                                
         (a)  Left auricle and left ventricle                                            (b)                                Post caval and right caval  
         (c)   Right auricle and left auricle                                             (d)                                Right ventricle and pulmonary aorta
28.  Nature of valves in the heart is                                                                                                                               
         (a)  Membranous                 (b)  Muscular                          (c)   Tendinous                     (d)  Ligamentous
29.  Chordae tendinae are found in                                                                                                                              
         (a)  Ventricle of heart          (b)  Atria of heart                   (c)   Joints                            (d)  Ventricle of brain
30.  Covering of heart is called
         (a)  Pericardium                  (b)  Peritoneum                      (c)   Perineurium                  (d)  Periostium
31.  The middle layer of heart is known as                                                                                                                    
         (a)  Endocardium                 (b)  Pericardium                     (c)   Epicardium                    (d)  Myocardium
32.  Post caval in right auricle is guarded by                                                                                                                  
         (a)  Eustachian Valve           (b)  Bicuspid valve                  (c)   Tricuspid valve              (d)  Atrio-ventricular valve
33.  Bicuspid valve is also called as                                                                                                                                
         (a)  Mitral valve                  (b)  Eustachean valve             (c)   Pulmonary valve           (d)  Ventricular valve
34.  Largest heart is found in                                                                                                                                         
         (a)  Elephant                       (b)  Giraffe                            (c)   Crocodile                      (d)  Lion
35.  Which of the following has the thickest wall                                                                                                            
         (a)  Left auricle                   (b)  Left ventricle                    (c)   Right auricle                  (d)  Right ventricle
36.  The blood returning to the heart from lungs via pulmonary vein has more                                                                
         (a)  RBC per ml of blood     (b)  Haemoglobin per ml of blood (c)Oxygen per ml of blood (d)Nutrient per ml of blood
37.  Which of the following structure is absent in rabbit's heart                                                                                       
         (a)  Left auricle                   (b)  Left ventricle                    (c)   Sinus venosus                (d)  Pace maker
38.  Heart of elephant is                                                                                                                        
         (a)  Neurogenic                   (b)  Myogenic                        (c)   Both (a) and (b)             (d)  None of these
39.  Heart of prawn carries                                                                                                                                           
         (a)  Oxygenated blood       (b)  Deoxygenated blood      (c)   Mixed blood                 (d)  No blood
40.  In frog's heart, there are muscular ridges which consist of fibres called                                                                     

         (a)  Myonemes                    (b)  Purkinjee fibres                (c)   Telodendria                  (d)  Columneae carnae

41.  In an ECG, QRS wave represent                                                                                                                            

         (a)  Activity of pace setter   (b)  Auricular relaxation         (c)   Ventricular contraction  (d)  Ventricular relaxation

42.  In an old man's ECG, T-waves shall be                                                                                                                    
         (a)  Flat                               (b)  Inverted                           (c)   Very prominent             (d)  Same as in adults
44.  What is the end diastolic volume of blood in a normal adult heart                                                                           
         (a)  50 ml                            (b)  70 ml                               (c)   90 ml                            (d)  110 ml
45.  Which of the following cardiac effects can be observed if the potassium concentration is increased two to three times the normal value                                                                                                                                                    
         (a)  Weakness of heart       (b)  Abnormal rhythm             (c)   Death                           (d)  All the above
46.  In all the leads of ECG, all following are positive waves except                                                                              
         (a)  P                                  (b)  Q                                    (c)   R                                  (d)  T
47.  Which of the following is a repolarization wave                                                                                                     
         (a)  P                                  (b)  T                                     (c)   QRS                             (d)  None of these

48.  ECG records

         (a)  Electric current of the body                                        (b)  Potential differences    
         (c)   Pulse rate                                                                  (d)  Quantity of blood pumped per minute
49.  Sinu-atrial node is innervated by branches of                                                                                                         
         (a)  V cranial nerve                                                          (b)  X cranial nerve            
         (c)   IX cranial nerve                                                          (d)  VI cranial nerve
50.  In an ECG, QRS wave represent                                                                                                                            
         (a)  Activity of pace setter   (b)  Auricular relaxation         (c)   Ventricular contraction  (d)  Ventricular relaxation
51.  In an old man's ECG, T-waves shall be                                                                                                                    
         (a)  Flat                               (b)  Inverted                           (c)   Very prominent             (d)  Same as in adults
53.  What is the end diastolic volume of blood in a normal adult heart                                                                           
         (a)  50 ml                            (b)  70 ml                               (c)   90 ml                            (d)  110 ml
54.  Which of the following cardiac effects can be observed if the potassium concentration is increased two to three times the normal value                                                                                                                                                    
         (a)  Weakness of heart       (b)  Abnormal rhythm             (c)   Death                           (d)  All the above
55.  In all the leads of ECG, all following are positive waves except                                                                              
         (a)  P                                  (b)  Q                                    (c)   R                                  (d)  T
56.  Which of the following is a repolarization wave                                                                                                     
         (a)  P                                  (b)  T                                     (c)   QRS                             (d)  None of these
57.  ECG records
         (a)  Electric current of the body                                        (b)  Potential differences    
         (c)   Pulse rate                                                                  (d)  Quantity of blood pumped per minute
58.  Sinu-atrial node is innervated by branches of                                                                                                         
         (a)  V cranial nerve                                                          (b)  X cranial nerve            
         (c)   IX cranial nerve                                                          (d)  VI cranial nerve
59.  Ventricular contraction is preceded by atrial contraction by what duration                                                               
         (a)  1 second                       (b)  1/2 second                      (c)   1/4 second                   (d)  1/6 second
60.  Uremia disease is associated with                                                                                                                           
         (a)  High serum cholesterol  (b)  High blood glucose          (c)   High blood urea            (d)  Rh factor in blood
61.  Heart beat and pulse rate is increased under conditions of                                                                                      
         (a)  Psychogenic stress         (b)  Fever                              (c)   Muscular exercise         (d)  All of the above
62.  The heart beat increases at the time of interview due to                                                                                         
         (a)  Corticotrophic hormone                                              (b)  Hyper secretion of renin    
         (c)   Secretion of adrenaline                                                   (d)                                Antidiuretic hormone secretion
63.  Pulse can easily be detected on superficial artery like that of                                                                                 
         (a)  Diaphragm                    (b)  Thigh                               (c)   Wrist                            (d)  Humerus
64.  An adult human with average health has systolic and diastolic pressure as
         (a)  80 mm Hg and 88 mm Hg    (b)70 mm Hg and 120 mm Hg (c)120 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg (d)50 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg
65.  The thickening of walls of arteries are called                                                                                                          
         (a)  Arthritis                         (b)  Aneurysm                        (c)   Arteriosclerosis              (d)  Both (a) and (b)
66.  Putting adrenaline on the heat will cause the heart beat to                                                                                     
         (a)  Retard                          (b)  Accelerate                       (c)   Produce louder sound   (d)  Stop
67.  Average cardiac output is
         (a)  4 litres per minute         (b)  6.3 litres per minute         (c)   5.3 litres per minute      (d)  7.3 litres per minute
68.  Heart beats are affected by                                                                                                                                  
         (a)  Carbon dioxide            (b)  Oxygen                          (c)   Vagus nerve                 (d)  All the above
69.  We feel sleepy just after taking meals because                                                                                                      
         (a)  Blood pressure increases     (b)                                   Blood pressure decreases   (c)   Body weight increases  (d)         We feel lithargic
70.  The pulse beat is measured by the
         (a)  Artery                          (b)  Capillary                         (c)   Vein                             (d)  None
71.  Below normal heart beat is called                                                                                                                           
         (a)  Bradycardia                 (b)  Tachycardia                     (c)   Hyperpiesis                   (d)  All of these
72.  Blood pressure increases and heart rate decreases in response to                                                                           
         (a)  Exercise                                                                     (b)  Haemorrage                
         (c)   Exposure to high altitude                                            (d)  Increased intracranial pressure
74.  Starling's law is related to                                                                                                                                      
         (a)  Venous return to heart  (b)  Force of heart beat         (c)   Frequency of heart beat     (d)        Peripheral resistance
75.  Oxygen-fick method is used to measure                                                                                                                 
         (a)  Blood pressure              (b)  Cardiac reserve               (c)   Cardiac output              (d)  Capillary blood flow
76.  Plethysomograph is used to measure
         (a)  Velocity of blood                                                       (b)  Mean volume flow             
         (c)   Excitability of heart                                                    (d)  Conducting of stimuli in heart
77.  Identify the main systemic artery which originates from the left ventricle                                                                  
         (a)  Carotid                         (b)  Pulmonary                       (c)   Jugular                         (d)  Aorta
78.  The artery which supplies blood to the diaphgram is known as
         (a)  Cardiac artery              (b)  Phrenic artery                  (c)   Lingual artery               (d)  Lumber artery
80.  Femoral artery supplies blood to                                                                                                                            
         (a)  Hind limb                      (b)  Rectum                            (c)   Dorsal region of thigh   (d)  Ventral region thigh
81.  Iliac artery carries blood to the                                                                                                                              
         (a)  Lungs                            (b)  Ileum                               (c)   Hind limbs                     (d)  Brain
82.  The wall of blood capillaries is made up of
         (a)  Mesenchymal cells        (b)  Connective tissues            (c)   Endothelial cells            (d)  Fibrocytes
83.  Which of the following has no muscular wall                                                                                                           
         (a)  Artery                          (b)  Vein                                (c)   Arteriol                         (d)  Capillary
84.  Select the correctly matched pair                                                                                                                           
         (a)  Papillary muscles – Blinking of eye lids                       (b)  Carotid artery – Oxygenated blood to heart
         (c)   Blood vessels of diaphragm – Phrenic vessels             (d)  Systole – Causes entry of blood in heart
85.  Smallest lumen blood vessel in the body is
         (a)  Capillary                      (b)  Artery                             (c)   Vein                             (d)  Venacava
86.  In which region the lymphatic system and blood circulatory system meet                                                                  
         (a)  Liver                             (b)  Precaval                          (c)   Pulmonary artery          (d)  Systematic arch
87.  The process of blood clot formation within the circulatory system is
         (a)  Thrombosis                    (b)  Thrombocytes                  (c)   Thrombin                      (d)  Thrombocytopenia
88.  Blood vessels that contain valves are called                                                                                                            
         (a)  Arteries                        (b)  Veins                               (c)   Capillaries                    (d)  All the above
89.  Thrombin occurs in the vertebrates in                                                                                                                      
         (a)  The liver and is important for bile secretion                 (b)  The stomach and digests proteins    
         (c)   The blood and is important for clotting                        (d)  The blood and gives it red colour
90.  Blood leaving lungs is rich in
         (a)  Oxygen                       (b)  Haemoglobin                   (c)   Carbon dioxide            (d)  More number of RBC
91.  The artery can be distinguished from the vein in having                                                                                          
         (a)  Thicker walls                 (b)  More blood cells              (c)   More plasma                (d)  Larger cavity
92.  A vein differs from the artery in having                                                                                                                  
         (a)  Narrow lumen                                                            (b)  Strong cuticular and muscular wall  
         (c)   Valves to control direction of flow                              (d)  Dark pigmented wall
93.  Oxygenated blood is carried by                                                                                                                            
         (a)  Pulmonary vein             (b)  Pulmonary artery             (c)   Renal vein                    (d)  Hepatic portal vein
94.  Blood to the heart is brought by the venous system by                                                                                            
         (a)  Innominate and anterior abdominal                            (b)  Subclavian alone         
         (c)   Vena cavae                                                               (d)  Anterior abdominal alone
95.  Hepatic portal system starts from                                                                                                                            
         (a)  Digestive system to liver      (b)                                   Kidney to liver                    (c)   Liver to heart    (d)         Liver to kidney
96.  Digested food materials entering the blood reach the heart by                                                                               
         (a)  Hepatic portal vein, hepatic vein and post caval         (b)  Hepatic vein and post caval
         (c)   Hepatic portal vein and post caval                             (d)  Hepatic portal vein and hepatic vein
97.  Blood circulation that starts in capillaries and ends in capillaries is called
         (a)  Portal circulation           (b)  Hepatic circulation            (c)   Cardiac circulation        (d)  None
98.  Renal portal system is absent in                                                                                                                              
         (a)  Rabbit                          (b)  Frog                                (c)   Toad                            (d)  Salamander
99.  A portal system is present in                                                                                                                                   

         (a)  Liver                             (b)  Hypothalamus                  (c)   Pituitary                        (d)  All of the above

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